A Powerful Time For Ancestral Healing

Many of you may have read me talking about tapping into your higher self or that god part of you Beyond the Veil.  Well, this is the time of Shift where the  Veil between the spiritual and physical dimensions becomes  thinnest  between the Spring Equinox and the Winter  Solstice; from late October  into  November and December. 

There is an open window to realms and dimensions beyond the physical,  outside of space and time that provides a clear opening into the spiritual realms of the Ancients of Days. This is the perfect time to connect with  the Ancestors; to honor them and receive their support, protection and guidance.

This  is the time for  an open doorway; a gateway of opportunity; a Channel, if you will, to call forth a divine, powerful entourage of spiritual Beings for healing  and Restoration;  to rid one of generational curses; and bad karma.

This is what Ancestral Healing  is all about!  This is what  A DIVINE TOUCH OF AFRIKA is all about; a Intuitive Channel of Tuning  Words of Knowledge and healing; a Channel of Restoration.

Ancestral and Spiritual Healing is powerful, spiritual work done through divine  Channels to help humanity with any blockages  that may be  prohibiting us from going beyond that Veil to connect with our divine self.  This connection bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual realms to healing that will cause blessings to flow into every sphere of our lives. Angels, spiritual guides or the Holy Spirit; that "Cloud of Witnesses" are standing by waiting for us to call forth the powerful  healing Force now!

The Ancestral spiritual/symbolic healing Designs  are divinely designed and inspired and serves as a catalyst  in making  the most of this powerfully activating period.  Healers and Intuitives serve as a catalyst for Innate (Spirit) in love, with compassion to help a soul make the Shift to connect with  that god part of them; to be healed spiritually, mentally, physically and financially.


Healing & Light be yours

A DIVINE TOUCH OF AFRIKA boasts of divinely inspired Ancestral Healing Designs by El Ahora Spiritual/symbolic consecrated pieces while in a divine state of consciousness.
On-line purchases available through a variety of secured venues with free shipping in the US with purchases of $40 or over.
IG: @DesignsByElAhora
Phone: 509-302-0417
Fax: 509-396-3991

E-mail: atouchofAfrikaa@gmail.com



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