A DIVINE TOUCH OF AFRIKA LLC - Introduction to Colorology


Just as many stones have energy healing powers; colors and numbers are also a divine source to enhance ones Energy Field. This would aid one in making that divine connection to manifest their hearts desires.  

Colorology is the study of colors; the science of color and their impact on human beings.  Colorology is  more involved than one may think.  It is not just a matter of wearing, reading  or seeing colors.

Color is the visual perception of different wavelengths of light or energy.  Think of the rainbow. (See Chakra Colors)

Color derives from a spectrum of  light waves that can be seen with the naked eye, however, only a small portion of light is detectable by the human eye. 

The science of color is the Chromatic that includes the perception of color, origin  and involvement with the  brain. Chromatics is a branch that deals with hue and saturation of colors. For instance a colorologist in cosmetology would know their primary colors,  secondary colors, complementary colors, and; the chemical reactions of mixing certain colors.

The light waves from colors are a part of the earths electromagnetic radiation field.  There is an electromagnetic grid within the Earths core as well as magnetic vibrations that surrounds the earth.  

We do not have to get technical, we only need to know that colors are light and light is energy.  

Humans exude energy.  Our thoughts, words and deeds are energy.  Humanity, whether they are aware or not  vibrate in sync or out of sync with the magnetic grids of the earth or that electromagnetic field that surrounds the earth called the Schumann Resonance.  Some refer to this Light Source and Consciousness Energy  as the G-D Particles or Soul of the Universe.

When humans become  out of balance, they usually show signs of stress that shows up in health conditions, sickness and disease.

However, the human body has  been given ability to not only fight off sicknesses but we have ability to heal ourselves by raising our vibrations and tapping into that energy field that surrounds us. 

What is most important, to me, is to know  that just as numbers are important and will tell us a story; both numerology and colorology reveal certain aspects of human divinity.   

One who vibrates at a high level, particularly those who can see and read another's Aura; they vibrate in balance with the earths Magnetic Grids and have ability through meditation or pray to connect with the G-D Particles, through Innate or Spirit. 

Certain colors were mentioned throughout the bible for purpose.  However, religion clouded and removed the significance of what colors and numbers mean and their significance to the Restoration of the G-D Principles within humanity. It has demonized the  Ancestors and the divine sciences of the Ancients, therefore, restricting access to divine  god-knowledge needed for the Restoration of humanity. --making the pathway  difficult for humanity to find their way back to G-D as gods.

I deal mostly with the Divine Universal Message of Restoration. Restoration deals with mental, spiritual, physical, financial, social and Ancestral healing; healing of the whole man; mind, body and spirit/soul. Knowledge is key. Humanity is perishing for lack of knowledge.

A DIVINE TOUCH OF AFRIKA boasts of divinely inspired Ancestral Healing Designs by El Ahora Spiritual/symbolic consecrated pieces while in a divine state of consciousness.
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